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Masters and Ph.D. course: Levinas and the Vulnerability of the Self

[In Swedish] Don Kulick intervjuad i tidskriften Respons

2-4 five month research fellowships (100%) in the EV research program

[In Swedish] Mahmoud Keshavarz får pris för bästa avhandling

Invitation to a symposium on the Hilarity of the Awful

Maria Karlsson and Måns Wrange on art, religion, populism and media in PARSE Journal

Solecism or Barbarism? Essay by Karl Ekeman published in Public Seminar

Book Release: Can a Person be Illegal? Refugees, Migrants and Citizenship in Europe

Masters and Ph.D. course: Disabilities, Cultures, and the Vulnerable Sensorium

Masters and Ph.D. course: Design Anthropology of Borders