On April 11, we officially open the FAKTURAART exhibition. When you visit, you will find some 85 pieces displayed, and you can pick a personal and very exclusive copy of the beautiful exhibition folder. The show will run to June 16. Open weekdays 10 am to 3 pm.
Khaled Ahmad was born in Syria. Since 2012, he is based in Sweden. He has studied at art schools in Damascus and Stockholm. Art, for him, is a source of peace and a way to hold on to dreams and to transform and redefine the ugly. For the art project fakturaart – Khaled Ahmad’s merging of the word “faktura,” Swedish for bill or invoice, with the word “art” – he turns his unpaid bills into pieces of art, which then are individually priced according the original invoice.
The fakturaart exhibition at Uppsala University is hosted by the Department of Cultural Anthropology & Ethnology and the Engaging Vulnerability research program. Financed with support from the Swedish Research Council, the Engaging Vulnerability program examines vulnerability as a productive set of relations that entail demands, a productive position, condition, or state that does something. Seeing vulnerability as productive changes the focus of research, awareness and engagement.
You will find the exhibition at English Park Campus, House 3, floor 2.

download the exhibition folder here: https://www.engagingvulnerability.se/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Fakturaart_flyer_web.pdf