ENGAGING VULNERABILITY is a decade-long interdisciplinary research program at Uppsala University financed with the support of the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).
ENGAGING VULNERABILITY builds on and extends recent work in philosophy, the humanities and the social sciences. The program’s goal is to re-focus our understanding of vulnerability as something more than a lamentable condition from which subjects should be defended, rescued or liberated. Instead, the program documents and theorizes vulnerability as a productive position, condition, or state that does something. Vulnerability makes demands: about accountability, responsibility, ethics, engagement.
ENGAGING VULNERABILITY seeks to fill four fully-funded graduate student positions, each beginning 1 September 2016. The four positions are as follows:
- Two in the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology. One position in Cultural Anthropology and one in Ethnology.
- One in the Department of Literature
- One in the Department of Philosophy.
You are welcome to submit your application no later than 8 April 2016.
Graduate student position in Cultural Anthropology
The position is for a student who wishes to do anthropological research on a topic of clear relevance to the research program. For additional information and to apply for the position in Cultural Anthropology, see the advertisement.
PhD Candidate position in Ethnology
The position is for a student who wishes to do ethnological research on a dimension of the current refugee situation in Sweden that clearly links to the program. For additional information and to apply for the position in Ethnology, see the advertisement.
PhD Candidate position in Literature or Rhetoric [in Swedish]
Forskningsprogrammet ENGAGING VULNERABILITY utmanar den gängse synen på sårbarhet och syftar till att utveckla förståelsen av vad sårbarhet är samt hur den kan undersökas i praktik och teori. Såväl inom det litteraturvetenskapliga som det retorikvetenskapliga fältet finns rika möjligheter att utveckla sårbarhetsforskningen längs dessa linjer.
For additional information and to apply for the position in Literature, see the advertisement [in Swedish].
PhD Candidate position in Philosophy with specialisation in Philosophical Anthropology
Philosophical anthropology is the philosophical discipline that inquires into the human condition, and seeks to unify, qualify or critique philosophically scientific methods and humanistic approaches to answering questions regarding human nature. It also seeks to contribute to the development of theory in empirical anthropology and ethnology, while bringing empirical studies to bear on philosophical problems in epistemology, political theory, ethics, aesthetics etc. In dialogue with scientific findings and scholarly debates, philosophical anthropology develops the question concerning what it means to be human as a philosophical issue without falling back on essentialist presuppositions about subjectivity, personhood and agency. ‘Philosophical anthropology’ is not limited to any specific school of thought or discipline, but the successful candidate will have a solid and broad background in philosophy, which may, however, include philosophically oriented work in intellectual history, sociology or other disciplines.
For additional information and to apply for the position in Philosophical Anthropology, see the advertisement.