Uppsala University
Schedule, Fall 2018
Time: Thursdays at 10.15-12.00 Venue: ENG 3-2028 The seminars are conducted in English. For more information and readings, contact mats.hyvonen@antro.uu.se Schedule, spring 2016 Schedule, fall 2016 Schedule, spring 2017 Schedule, fall 2017 Schedule, spring 2018 Schedule, fall 2018 [this page] Schedule, spring 2019 Schedule, fall 2019 Schedule, spring 2020
The fall seminar series will mainly focus on the ENGAGING VULNERABILITY research fellows’ ongoing projects.
Schedule, fall 2018
Thursday September 20, at 10.15-12.00, ENG 3-2028
Presentation by research fellow Anthoula Malkopoulou

Anthoula Malkopoulou
Thursday September 27, at 10.15-12.00, ENG 3-2028
Ilkin Mehrabov presents his research in Surveillance Studies. Download abstract.
Reading: Mehrabov (2016): When States Strike Back: Failures of Mediatized Activism in Azerbaijan and Turkey
Ilkin’s dissertation, published in 2017, is titled “All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace”: Activist Practices in an Era of Mediatized Surveillance.

Ilkin Mehrabov
Thursday September 27, at 14.15-16.00, ENG 4-0019A (seminar jointly arranged with the Department of Philosophy, UU).
“Dignity and Self-Making; Giovanni Pico della Mirandola and Hannah Arendt”, Andrew Benjamin, Kingston University, London, and Monash University, Melbourne.
Thursday October 4, at 10.15-12.00, ENG 3-2028
Presentation by research fellow Per Vesterlund

Per Vesterlund
Thursday October 11, at 10.15-12.00, ENG 3-2028
Presentation by research fellow Sten Widmalm
Readings: TBA.

Sten Widmalm
Thursday October 18, at 10-15-12.00, ENG 3-2028
Presentation by Joseph Wiinikka-Lydon, Researcher at the Center for Ethics at University of Pardubice: https://centreforethics.upce.cz/en/joseph-wiinikka-lydon-phd Readings: TBA.
Thursday November 1, at 10.15-12.00, ENG 3-2028
Presentation by research fellow Elinor Hållén
For readings, please contact mats.hyvonen@antro.uu.se

Elinor Hållén
Thursday November 29 (please note the change of date), at 10.15-12.00, ENG 3-2028
Presentation by research fellow Annika Björnsdotter Teppo
For readings, please contact mats.hyvonen@antro.uu.se

Annika Björnsdotter Teppo
English Park Campus – Centre for the humanities: http://www.engelskaparken.uu.se/?languageId=1