Uppsala University
Schedule, Fall 2022
Time: Thursdays at 10.15-12.00 Venue: Campus Engelska parken, room ENG 3-2028 The seminars are conducted in English. For more information and readings, contact mats.hyvonen@antro.uu.se Previous seminar series: Schedule, spring 2016 Schedule, fall 2016 Schedule, spring 2017 Schedule, fall 2017 Schedule, spring 2018 Schedule, fall 2018 Schedule, spring 2019 Schedule, fall 2019 Schedule, spring 2020 Schedule, fall 2020
Schedule, spring 2021
Schedule, fall 2021
Schedule, spring 2022
Wednesday October 12, at 10.15–12, in room 3-2028, English Park Campus

Back from the field seminar with Sasha Shrubok.
Thursday October 13, at 10.15–12, in room 3-2028, English Park Campus
Theme “Failure”, Seminar 2 – Career Failure

The second seminar will focus on failure in professional life – and in life in general, since life and profession seem to be intrinsically connected these days. We will read If You Should Fail: A Book of Solace by historian Joe Moran and a short article on the Princeton professor who published a “CV of failures”.
A tip is to also look into the Netflix documentary series called Losers, especially the episode “Lost in the desert” about the Marathon de sable.
About the EV Failure seminars
We live in a society obsessed with success, and our interest in the lives of successful people is seemingly insatiable. Everybody loves a winner, but we seem to be reluctant to even accept the fact that there also are losers. Narratives of failure are often being told in a way that either reveals that they were not really failures to begin with, or if they were, that they merely functioned as stepping stones towards even greater success and were “valuable lessons” the once-failed-now-successful are “grateful” to have learned.
With these seminars, we want to examine in what ways the concept of failure has been thought about by scholars, depicted by artists, and how it might be refocused into something more than the precursor of success.
Seminar 3, titled “Art Failure”, will take place in February 2023. More info TBA.
Wednesday November 9, at 10.15–12, in room 3-2028, English Park Campus

Back from the field seminar with Shen Qing.
Friday December 9

PhD defense: Macario Lacbawan. Opponent: Deborah Gewertz, G. Henry Whitcomb Professor, Amherst College.
Tuesday December 20, at 13.15–16, at English Park Campus (room number TBA)

Final review of Carolien Hulshof’s dissertation manuscript. Opponent: Thomas James Solomon, University of Bergen. Please contact Carolien at carolina.hulshof@musik.uu.se for a copy of the manuscript.
Tuesday December 20, at 14.15–16, in room 4-2007, English Park Campus

Half-time seminar, Ida Grönroos. More info TBA
English Park Campus – Centre for the humanities: http://www.engelskaparken.uu.se/?languageId=1